And We're Back in Business!

We hope you saw the latest article in the J-weekly, It’s back! New Lehrhaus to kick off first classes next month. That's right, our classes begin in October. There is tremendous excitement and enthusiasm amount instructors and students. We hope you'll find something of interest in our list of offerings. If you have a particular interest that you don't see covered feel free to email us at We want you to know that we have been inundated with offers to teach for free and are filled with gratitude.
Many favorite teachers are back, including our beloved Fred Rosenbaum - for a lecture you won't want to miss and our ever popular Jehon Grist with his humor tinged Hebrew classes. (I have a friend who told me, "I'd listen to Jehon read the phonebook! He'd make it fascinating.")
Professors Emeriti, Robert Alter and Ron Hendel of UC Berkeley will be offering The Bible Now: Literature and History in the Hebrew Bible. The class begins November 1st.
At this point in time we are offering many classes for free. So jump in and enjoy one or more of them right now.
See you in class!