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Program Category
Click on a program below to see more information
- Pacific Time
Mira Z. Amiras: A Mystical Journey into the Aleph-Bet
New Lehrhaus is proud to present the first Seymour Fromer Memorial Program* with Mira Z. Amiras, Seymour's daughter.
In partnership with Jewish Community Library, San Francisco
Malkah is an inquisitive girl, and her father’s attempts to teach her to read Torah result in more questions than answers. Those questions only grow in depth and complexity as Malkah herself matures, embracing a lifelong ... Read more
- Pacific Time Series
Jehon Grist: Prayerbook/Biblical Hebrew 1 (Zoom only)
- Pacific Time Series
Jehon Grist—Reading the Bible: Were the Biblical Philistines Israel’s Worst Nightmare or Something Else?
- Pacific Time
Prof. Rachel Feldman—The Third Temple Movement: Jewish Theocracy in Israel Today (Zoom only)
Over the past decade, Professor Feldman has conducted ethnographic research with theocratic activists in Jerusalem—Jewish men and women who view the rebuilding of a temple on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, the renewal of animal sacrifices (discontinued for thousands of years in Judaism), and the restoration of a Jewish monarchy, as the prophesied conclusion to Zionism. Explore a revival movement gaining unprecedented support in Israel from both religious and secular politicians in the Knes... Read more
- Pacific Time
Dr. Naomi Baum & Yonatan Zeigen—The Aftermath of October 7th: How Israelis are Coping with the Ongoing Trauma (on Zoom)
- Pacific Time
Rabbi Peretz Wolf-Prusan—If I Raise My Voice, Remember, I Am Only Praying: The Poetry of Alan Lew
- Pacific Time Series
Rabbi Dorothy Richman's Talmud Circle (Zoom only)
- Pacific Time Series
Rabbi Peretz Wolf-Prusan's Talmud Circle
San Francisco, CA 94118 + Google Map
Oshman Family JCC in Palo Alto
Palo Alto, CA 94303 + Google Map
- Pacific Time
Rabbi Peretz Wolf-Prusan—Talmudic Ideas of Inclusion and Exclusion: Who’s In and Who’s Out
Sunday, January 12 @ 10am–12pm