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Program Category

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Wed 26

- Pacific Time Series

Prof. Daniel Boyarin—Josephus: Traitor or Hero?

Virtual Program
Program in memory of David Biale, supported by 140 donors and the Richard Goodman Family Foundation

Prof. Daniel Boyarin will present a view of Josephus very different from the one we have inherited from previous generations. He will argue that the idea that Josephus was a traitor is entirely misleading, even a calumny, and explicate his virtues as a Jew and as a thinker.

Wednesdays, February 26 & March 5 @ 7-8:30pm... Read more


Register ➜Total Program Fee: $15.0058 spaces open
Thu 27

- Pacific Time

Prof. Michael Hoberman—Theodore Seixas Solomons: The Jewish San Franciscan who Inspired North America’s Most Famous Footpath

Virtual Program
In partnership with Congregation Kol Emeth, Palo Alto

The John Muir Trail runs 212 miles along the crest of California's High Sierra, from Yosemite to Mt. Whitney. Did you know that its creator was the direct descendant of the only Jewish clergyman in attendance at George Washington's inauguration in 1789? Michael Hoberman tells the story of Theodore Seixas Solomons' explorations of the Sierra in the 1890s, as well as of his tireless (and largely unreco... Read more


Register ➜Total Program Fee: $15.0088 spaces open

Mon 10

- Pacific Time Series

Rev. Bruce Bramlett: Antisemitism: The Dynamics and History of the “Longest Hatred”

Virtual Program
This course tracks the historical development of antisemitism in Western civilization from the Greco-Roman period to its present resurgence throughout the West. We will discuss the nature of antisemitic prejudice, constructions, and concepts of race, the relationship between antisemitism and anti-Zionism, and the ongoing reality of Jew-hatred as a recurring phenomenon. We will want to struggle to understand the sources of antisemitism’s post-Holocaust resurgence paying close attention to cu... Read more


Register ➜Total Program Fee: $75.0097 spaces open
Wed 12

- Pacific Time

Prof. Ron Hendel: How to Read the Book of Genesis

Virtual Program
In partnership with the Jewish Community Library, San Francisco

Prof. Ron Hendel will discuss his new commentary on the Book of Genesis and its meaning through the ages.


Register for this ProgramTotal Program Fee: Free
Tue 18

- Pacific Time

Rachel B. Gross—Preaching the Promised Land: Mary Antin’s American Religions

Virtual Program
Writer Mary Antin’s 1912 book The Promised Land, the first autobiography of a Russian Jewish immigrant to the United States, brought her national fame. But only a few years later, Antin abandoned celebrity in favor of exploring non-Jewish religious groups. Her spiritual journey reveals the resilience of Jewish identity, connections between health and religious practice, and the boundaries of religious communities.

Tuesday, March 18 @ 7–8:30pm, on Zoo... Read more


Register ➜Total Program Fee: Free96 spaces open
Thu 20

- Pacific Time Series

Dr. Jehon Grist and Dr. Eli Tadmor—In the Shadow of Empires: Assyria-Babylonia, Egypt and Biblical Israel

Virtual Program
Biblical Israel’s legacy from its ancient neighbors is not just a saga of conflict. Law, literature, early religious practices, and even food and drink owe much to the surrounding ancient cultures. Mesopotamia's cultures contributed to the foundational tales of the Torah—the Garden of Eden, Noah’s ark, the Tower of Babel and the Abraham narrative, the Jewish calendar, and the Hebrew language. Egypt’s hieroglyphs morphed into the Hebrew alphabet and Egyptian art influenced the iconography of... Read more


Register ➜Total Program Fee: $45.0097 spaces open

Wed 02

- Pacific Time

Deborah Apple: Moon, Mikveh, Magic

Virtual Program
This class will focus on the moon cycle’s connection to water and traditions of immersion from ancient Mesopotamian myths and rituals to Abrahamic religions—the Jewish mikveh, Christian baptism, and Islamic wudu. Participants will engage with traditional texts, and be given the opportunity to create a prayer or symbolic action echoing these texts.

Wednesday, April 2 @ 7–8:30pm, on Zoom


Register ➜Total Program Fee: $15.0095 spaces open

Thu 22

- Pacific Time

Rachel Biale—Joint Memoirs: A Quarter Century Apart

Virtual Program
In partnership with the Contra Costa JCC

Join us for lunch and an invigorating talk by Rachel Biale, author of And Now Can Love Begin. In 2024 Rachel wrote an imagined memoir, ventriloquizing her parents who both came to Israel before it became independent in 1948. She will discuss the historical setting of the book and the unusual process of writing a joint memoir as if written by her parents. The book follows her 2020 joint memoir with ... Read more


Register ➜Total Program Fee: Free99 spaces open

Tue 09

- Pacific Time

New Lerhhaus/Tiyul Jewish Journeys Study Tours Partnership: Alsace and the Rhine Valley -- SOLD OUT

In partnership with Tiyul Jewish Journeys    

SOLD OUT. You may add your name to the waiting list; a lot can transpire between now and the fall.

Fred Rosenbaum and Ariel Goldstein will present a thousand years of Ashkenazi Jewry in scenic Alsace and the Rhine Valley! We will visit Frankfurt, Mainz, Worms, Baden-Baden (Germany), S... Read more
Register for this ProgramTotal Program Fee: $7,195.00

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