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Programs with this icon are part of a series (and the tuition is for the full series). Please register for the program even if you aren’t able to make it to all sessions in the series. Most of our programs are recorded and can be viewed within 2 days following the program/session under the “Videos of Past Programs” tab.
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Click on a program below to see more information
Pacific Time
Virtual Program
Rebecca Schisler will reprise her popular session from our recent Alehouse Lehrhaus series. If you couldn't make it last November, or you want to go deeper into the text, here is your chance! Schisler will share her experience reading Genesis in its original Hebrew, and how the practice brought fresh eyes and profound reinterpretations regarding gender, sinfulness, and seduction to one of the most influential texts on earth.
Pacific Time
Virtual Program
The third semester of a three-semester sequence, this course is designed for those who have completed New Lehrhaus Hebrew 1 and 2 and have a working Hebrew vocabulary of about 200 words and are familiar with the grammar of nouns, adjectives, possessive endings and past and present tense verbs. It’s also a great choice for students with basic reading ski...
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Register ➜Total Program Fee: $115.0032 spaces open
Pacific Time
Virtual Program
Discover the foods of the Biblical world and how they were produced. We’ll learn about farming in Biblical Israel and neighboring lands, and how the basic foods were processed from the crops. Then we’ll look into everything from cooking methods to the seasonings and other ingredients that made Biblical cuisine s...
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Register ➜Total Program Fee: $115.0032 spaces open
Pacific Time
Virtual Program
“No other Land” has won an Oscar for documentary films and the Palestinian-Israeli co-directors made a passionate acceptance speech, calling for peace and partnership stating, “There is another way.” If you’ve watched the film, and want to process your reactions, hear what others think, or simply learn more, we are offering a forum for candid, respectful, and thoughtful discussion. Bring your opinion, your heart, and an open mind to hear from others. Read More to find loc...
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Pacific Time
Virtual Program
A partnership program of New Lehrhaus
Read and study the Zohar, the masterpiece of Kabbalah with Daniel Matt. The upcoming Zohar course (Series 31) runs from April 1 through May 20 on Zoom (including April 1, 8, 29; May 6, 13, 20) from 5–6:30pm, Pacific. This course will explore volume 3 of The Zohar: Pritzker Edition.
Tuition ranges from $150–$300 (sliding scale). Full info (including sample videos) is available ... Read more
Pacific Time
Virtual Program
This class will focus on the moon cycle’s connection to water and traditions of immersion from ancient Mesopotamian myths and rituals to Abrahamic religions—the Jewish mikveh, Christian baptism, and Islamic wudu. Participants will engage with traditional texts, and be given the opportunity to create a prayer or symbolic action echoing these texts.
Wednesday, April 2 @ 7–8:30pm, on Zoom
Pacific Time
Virtual Program
A partnership program of New Lehrhaus
Read and study the Zohar, the masterpiece of Kabbalah in the original Aramaic with Daniel Matt. The upcoming Zohar course (Series 31) runs from April 1 through May 20 on Zoom (including April 3, 24; May 1, 8, 15, 22) from 11am–12:15pm, Pacific. This course will explore volume 3 of The Zohar: Pritzker Edition.
Tuition ranges from $150-$300 (sliding scale). Full info (including... Read more
Pacific Time
Virtual Program
In partnership with the Jewish Community Library, San Francisco
Claire and Merna Barry—born Clara and Minnie Bagelman in New York City—were a popular singing duo who performed on radio, television, records, and in concert halls and nightclubs from 1937 to 1973. In their elegant form-fitting gowns and coiffed hair, they popularized Yiddish Swing, which melded Yiddish theater tunes with a big-band beat. The sisters also performed highly polished arrangeme...
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Pacific Time
Virtual Program
Moses has long been the prototype of the successful revolutionary leader who must cajole his willful followers to cut ties with tyrants and embark on the painful journey from bondage to freedom. The most well-known student of leadership is Niccolo Machiavelli, whose name is synonymous with cunning, amoral political machinations. Yet, he regarded Moses as his model for the ideal leader in
The Prince, his famous study of leadership. Join us in an examination of this surprising pairing,...
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Pacific Time
Virtual Program
“All the world is not worth the day on which the Song of Songs was given to the people of Israel.” So proclaimed Rabbi Akiba 2,000 years ago, in defense of a little book of poems about which raged a big rabbinic controversy: Did this slender book of love poetry deserve a place in the canon alongside “weightier” books of psalms and prophecy, creation stories and liberation tales? In the end, Rabbi Akiba prevailed, and since that time, Jews from many cultures have been reciting Shir Hashirim,...
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Pacific Time
Join us at Berkeley Rep on Sunday, April 20 at 2pm for this remarkable show by famed Venezuelan Jewish playwright, followed by on-stage conversation and an informal gathering of New Lehrhaus'niks on the patio for continued conversation and pastries. As a nonprofit group, we get an incredible discount on tickets (in the rear orchestra) at $59 (regular price is $99–$134).
We MUST confirm our reservation by April 6 and have 40 tickets held for us. HURRY and register today to secure you... Read more
Pacific Time
In partnership with the Jewish Community Library, San Francisco
Howard Freedman will share a variety of short film clips that demonstrate how immigrant Jews were represented in films of the silent era, ranging from admiring portraits to prejudiced caricatures.
Please be aware that the image quality of some of these films will leave much to be desired.