
Become a Member of New Lehrhaus

and unlock a world of learning opportunities for just $180.00/year!

Your membership will make many of our currently fee-based programs available at no additional cost to you.
Other programs will have discounted pricing exclusive to members.

How it Works

Sign Up: Click the button below to sign up and become a member of New Lehrhaus.

Explore Programs: Browse our extensive list of programs designed to enrich your Jewish learning experience.

Enjoy the Benefits: Register for programs for free or at a discounted rate and immerse yourself in the vibrant world of Jewish education.

Annual membership: $180
Sign Up for Membership

Membership Disclaimer:

Memberships are non-refundable. You can cancel your membership at any time; however, no refunds will be issued. Your account will remain active until its expiration date, allowing you to continue enjoying all the perks and benefits of being a New Lehrhaus member until then.

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