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Daniel Matt: Becoming Elijah: Prophet of Transformation, in conjunction with his book’s publication in the Jewish Lives Series, Yale University Press. (Virtual on Zoom)

- Pacific Time Virtual Program

In partnership with Cong. Beth Israel

How did the figure of Elijah change over time, from a zealous prophet into an immortal, compassionate being who revisits earth to rescue and enlighten—perhaps the most popular figure in Jewish folklore? How was he reimagined by each generation? We will explore Elijah’s development from the Bible to Rabbinic Judaism, Kabbalah, and Jewish ritual, culminating in the Hasidic notion that within each of us lies hidden a beḥinat Eliyyahu (an aspect of Elijah).

1 session


Daniel Matt: Becoming Elijah: Prophet of Transformation, in conjunction with his book’s publication in the Jewish Lives Series, Yale University Press.  (Virtual on Zoom)


- Pacific Time


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