Jehon Grist—Intermediate Prayerbook/Biblical Hebrew 4 (Virtual on Zoom)
- Pacific Time Virtual Program
- Introduces the command and infinitive verb forms
- Begins to cover the remaining Hebrew verb patterns
- Increased focus on reading more complex Prayerbook and Biblical texts
- Continues to explore aspects of the Hebrew Bible and its world
Covering the last chapters of Prayerbook Hebrew the Easy Way, this class continues the exploration of Hebrew grammar and builds a stronger vocabulary using a text provided by instructor.
Required text: Prayerbook Hebrew the Easy Way and instructor text and other materials provided free of charge
8 Sundays: 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12 (on video only), 2/26, 3/5, 3/12 and 3/19 @ 4-5:20pm (Pacific)
Course offered live online. Full video recordings of each lesson will be distributed to course registrants. (Video links will not appear on this page.)