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Prof. Michael Hoberman—"The World to Begin Againe:" Jews and the American Revolution (Zoom only)

- Pacific Time Virtual Program

Fewer than two thousand Jews lived in North America during the American Revolution. Some were Tories, some sided with the rebellion, and a significant number couldn't make up their minds whose side they were on. Whether they took part in the fighting, held down the homefront, or tried to steer clear of all the trouble, they couldn't help but be implicated by the war's turmoil and outcome.

To whet your appetite, read Prof. Hoberman's new article in Tablet about Gershom Mendes Seixas, one of the more important Jews of the Revolutionary War period.

Tuesday, July 2 @ 5-6:30pm, on Zoom

Prof. Michael Hoberman—"The World to Begin Againe:" Jews and the American Revolution (Zoom only)


- Pacific Time


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