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Profs. Sam Shonkoff, Naomi Seidman, David Biale
“Old Boys” at the New Lehrhaus: The Rosenzweig-Buber-Scholem Debate Transported to 2023 (In Person Only)

- Pacific Time

In partnership with the Center for Jewish Studies at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, and YIVO in New York

In-person at the Dinner Board Room, GTU Library, 2400 Ridge Road, Berkeley

Thursday, June 1, 5:00–6:30pm, Pacific Time, followed by reception and light refreshments a la 1920's Frankfurt.

What if Franz Rosenzweig, Martin Buber and Gershom Scholem were transported to 2023 Berkeley and asked to teach at New Lehrhaus? How would the passing of over a century since they established and taught at Lehrhaus Judaica in Frankfurt in 1920 change their debates about God and the Commandments, Zionism and Messianism, and Adult Jewish Learning?
Three distinguished New Lehrhaus teachers will enact an imaginary debate followed by schmoozing and refreshments a la 1920 Frankfurt.
Profs. Sam Shonkoff, Naomi Seidman, David Biale<br>“Old Boys” at the New Lehrhaus: The Rosenzweig-Buber-Scholem Debate Transported to 2023 (In Person Only)


- Pacific Time


Graduate Theological Union Library

2400 Ridge Road
Berkeley, CA + Google Map


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