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Rabbi Greg Marcus: The Chesed Voice (Kindness) in Jewish Texts (on Zoom)
- Pacific Time Virtual Program
The “Chesed voice,” which prioritizes Acts of Chesed (Lovingkindness) over Jewish Law, can be traced all the way back to the Torah itself. You will learn why in the Talmud a rabbi was executed because he only studied Torah and did not engage in acts of Chesed. Join us for an extraordinary exploration of the age-old (yet totally contemporary) tension between the strict letter of the law and unbounded acts Chesed.
Tuesdays, November 19, December 3 & 10, and Wednesday, December 18 @ 7–8:30pm
Some key points we will cover:
- The meaning of a literary voice, and how it applies in Jewish texts. Hint: It is a point of view, and Jewish texts are filled with different voices arguing with one another directly or indirectly.
- Characteristics of the Chesed Voice, which prioritizes acts of Chesed (Lovingkindness) over following the letter of the Jewish law
- Examples of the tension between the Chesed and Law voices in the Talmud, prophets, psalms, the books of Ezra & Ruth and the Torah. Yes, the Torah has a voice that argues for Chesed over following the legal mitzvot.