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Prof. Erich S. Gruen: Scriptural Tales Retold (Zoom only)

- Pacific Time Virtual Program

Biblical narratives retain a powerful hold on the Jewish imagination, yet many Jewish (and some non-Jewish) writers in the Greco-Roman era rewrote many of these stories despite their ostensible sacredness. What did the authors of these

versions have in mind when retelling sacred tales and is the retelling sacrilegious? Narratives considered include the Tower of Babel, The Abraham-Sarah-Hagar triangle, the (near) sacrifice of Isaac, the rape of Dinah, Joseph and his

brothers, Tamar and Judah, and the Exodus.

Thursdays, April 25, May 2, 9 and Wednesday, May 15 @7-8:15pm, on Zoom

Please have a Bible on hand for each session.


Prof. Erich S. Gruen: Scriptural Tales Retold (Zoom only)


- Pacific Time


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