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Rabbi Molly Karp—Buber and Heschel: Encountering the I-Thou and Articulating the Ineffable (Zoom only)

- Pacific Time Virtual Program

Martin Buber was born in Vienna in 1878, and was a utopian Zionist. He is best-known for his book I and Thou, which focuses on how people relate to the world. For Buber, our relationship with the Divine, and as much as possible with each other, should be I-Thou rather than I-It relationships.

Abraham Joshua Heschel was a widely read Jewish theologian whose most influential works include Man is Not Alone; God in Search of Man; The Sabbath; and The Prophets. Heschel explores the ways that Judaism allows us to encounter the ineffable, along with the radical amazement people feel when experiencing the presence of the Divine. Heschel was also one of the great champions of the Black Civil Rights movement; after marching to Selma with Martin Luther King, he said, “When I marched in Selma, my feet were praying.”

This course will explore the central G-d ideas of both of these important men.

4 Tuesdays: October 10, 17, 24 & 31 @ 4–5:30pm

Rabbi Molly Karp—Buber and Heschel: Encountering the I-Thou and Articulating the Ineffable (Zoom only)


- Pacific Time


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