- Pacific Time
Ariel Mayse & Urban Adamah Staff: A Land of Milk and Honey (In Person or on Zoom)
Part of the "Soil to Soul: Agriculture and Jewish Culture" series
Sunday, June 4 @ 3–4:30pm, in-person at Urban Adamah
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Rabbi Judy Shanks & Dr. James Gracer—The Bible on the Couch: A Rabbi and Psychiatrist Analyze Sacred Texts (In Person and On Zoom)
Rabbi Judy Shanks and Dr. James Gracer (married for 44 years) join forces to bring a psychological lens to our Biblical ancestors. We will explore together hidden motivations, possible diagnoses, and complicated relationships between siblings, spouses, G-d, and humans. Teachings and discussions will draw on both classical midrashic texts and modern psychological theories. Channel your inner Freud!
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- Pacific Time
Shalhevet Robinson: Ruth: A Literary Masterpiece, a Lesson in Kindness (In Person and on Zoom)
In partnership with Beth Jacob Congregation, Oakland
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- Pacific Time
Tu Be’Av: The Little-Known Jewish Summer Love Festival (Zoom only)
On Tu Be'Av (the fifteenth of Av), "the daughters of Jerusalem would go out and dance in the vineyards. And what would they say? 'Young man, lift up your eyes and see—whom would you choose.'" (Talmud, Ta'anit). Learn about the holiday and dip into romantic love stories from the Bible and Midrash.
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- Pacific Time
Rabbi Mychal Copeland—Tu Be’Av: The Little-Known Jewish Summer Love Festival (In-person only)
Part of Chew-ish & Jew-ish: Lunch & Learn at Manny’s Café.
In partnership with Congregation Sha'ar Zahav in San Francisco.
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- Pacific Time Series
Jehon Grist—Reading the Bible: Josiah’s Three Stories: Kings, Chronicles and Josephus (Zoom only)
Many scholars regard King Josiah of Judah (ca. 640-609 BCE) as the founder of a strict one-G-d religion for his kingdom which previously worshipped YHWH but also allowed for other deities. His revolution was both consequential and violent, and paved the way for one of the key precepts of Judaism: monotheism.
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- Pacific Time Series
Rabbi Sheldon Lewis—The Ground on Which We Stand: Jewish Values Summoning Us To Care For Our Only Home (In person or on Zoom)
In partnership with Congregation Kol Emeth and Congregation Beth Am
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- Pacific Time Series
Rabbi Patricia Karlin-Neumann: Friendship in the Bible and Rabbinic Texts (Zoom only)
“When two sit and study together, the Shechina dwells among them.” (Pirke Avot) Judaism’s unique mode of study is called “chavruta”—from the Hebrew root, “chaver” meaning friend. Friendship is inherently about learning—from another, about oneself, about the world beyond oneself. We will explore what Jewish sources teach about friendship. This course is best experienced when shared with a friend, so bring a friend to be your study partner!
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- Pacific Time
Rabbi Peretz Wolf-Prusan & Rachel Biale—What REALLY Happens on Tu BiShvat: From the Kabbalah to the Kibbutz (Zoom only)
In partnership with Cong. Etz Chayim, Palo Alto
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Profs. Robert Alter & Ron Hendel—The Bible Now: Genesis (Zoom only)
Explore the book of Genesis: major themes, style, character, and authorship. Topics include: Origins, Ancestors, Jacob's Family, and Joseph and His Brothers. We will also consider Genesis within the broader context of ancient Near Eastern literature. The recommended translation is Robert Alter, Genesis: Translation and Commentary.
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