Religious Life & Spirituality
Mon 25

- Pacific Time Series

Jannie M. Dresser: Writing with Mussar (on Zoom)

Virtual Program
In partnership with Temple Sinai, Oakland

The concept of middot or “soul traits” inspires a deeper exploration of our inner lives and how we bring Jewish values into our practical daily lives. Working with this traditional Jewish ethical and spiritual practice, we will identify and create new pieces exploring our personalities and spiritual identities. No previous writing or Mussar experience required.

Mondays: October ... Read more


Thu 19

- Pacific Time Series

Janis Plotkin & Karen Davis—Off The Derech: Haredi Judaism and Beyond in Film

Virtual Program
Ultra-orthodox Jewish life has long been surrounded by secrecy from within and intense curiosity from without. This course will focus on four films that present Haredi Jewish life from multiple perspectives. Critical, compassionate and profoundly humane, these films offer an expanded view of the complexities of living within and beyond the strictures of Ultra-Orthodox Jewish life. Our film selection includes two fiction feature films and two documentaries, from the US, Israel and the United... Read more
Sun 29

- Pacific Time

Rabbi Peretz Wolf-Prusan—If I Raise My Voice, Remember, I Am Only Praying: The Poetry of Alan Lew

Part of “LEHRHAUS ALEHOUSE” at Manny's in San Francisco

Are you seeking a more conversational and grounded circle to begin your process of personal contemplation this Elul? Join New Lehrhaus and Rabbi Peretz Wolf-Prusan for our latest Lehrhaus Alehouse series! This gathering will introduce you to the lively, profound and versatile Jewish-Buddhist texts of the late, great Alan Lew, a San Francisco rabbi and the founder of the world's first Jewish meditat... Read more



3092 16th Street
San Francisco, CA 94103 + Google Map
Sun 27

- Pacific Time

Leanne Grossman: Teshuva (and More) in the Redwoods. NEW DATE, expanded topic!

NEW DATE: Sunday, Oct. 27 (same Time)

During these High Holy Days, we have an opportunity to experience the awesome redwoods in our midst through a Jewish lens. Join us for a two-hour hike through the forest reflecting on T’shuva and MORE: anticipating the rainy season -  learning what the forest ecosystems of today may tell us about Jewish beliefs on nature. Moments of silence and meditation will allow is to ponder the Days of Awe each in our own way. Br... Read more


Tue 17

- Pacific Time Series

Rabbi Rory Katz and Elaina Marshalek—Roots: Getting Grounded in Jewish Tradition

We are delighted to partner on this Urban Adamah program!

New to Judaism or trying to deepen your connection to Jewish practice? Join a cohort of fellow explorers to experience the Jewish fundamentals from an embodied and Earth-based perspective. Classes will combine text study, facilitated discussions, personal reflection, and embodied spiritual practices. Subjects will ... Read more


Urban Adamah

1151 Sixth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710 + Google Map
Tue 18

- Pacific Time Series

Daniel Matt: Exploring the Zohar in English

Virtual Program

A partnership program of New Lehrhaus

Read and study the Zohar, the masterpiece of Kabbalah with Daniel Matt. The upcoming Zohar course (Series 30) runs from February 18 through March 25 on Zoom (including February 18, 25; March 4, 11, 18 and 25) from 5–6:30pm, Pacific. This course will explore volume 3 of The Zohar: Pritzker Edition.

Tuition ranges from $100-$250 (sliding scale). Full info (in... Read more


Register for this ProgramTotal Program Fee: $250.00
Wed 18

- Pacific Time Series

Rabbi Greg Marcus: The Chesed Voice (Kindness) in Jewish Texts (on Zoom)

Virtual Program
The “Chesed voice,” which prioritizes Acts of Chesed (Lovingkindness) over Jewish Law, can be traced all the way back to the Torah itself. You will learn why in the Talmud a rabbi was executed because he only studied Torah and did not engage in acts of Chesed. Join us for an extraordinary exploration of the age-old (yet totally contemporary) tension between the strict letter of the law and unbounded acts Chesed.

Tuesdays, November 19, Decembe... Read more
Sat 23

- Pacific Time

Multiple Presenters—Living In The Presence: A Very Special Book Launch

We are honored to partner with Kehilla Synagogue in presenting a special celebration to launch Burt Jacobson's (z"l) masterwork, Living in the Presence. This event honors Rabbi Burt's 30-year journey immersing in the life and teachings of the Ba'al Shem Tov (the Besht).

The event is free. Living in the Pres... Read more


Kehilla Community Synagogue

1300 Grand Avenue
Piedmont, CA 94610 + Google Map
Register for this ProgramTotal Program Fee: Free
Sun 09

- Pacific Time

Deena Aranoff—Mystical Madness: An Open Talmud Session

Hybrid Program
In partnership with the Osher Marin JCC

Please join us as we study Talmudic accounts of creation and the mystical madness that such speculation can bring about. We will join the sages as they travel the mystical terrain of the natural world, the nature of the divine, and the place of humanity in the order of things.
... Read more


Osher Marin JCC

200 N San Pedro Road
San Rafael, CA 94903 + Google Map


Thu 28

- Pacific Time

Stanley Saitowitz, Susie Coliver and Steve Rajninger & Craig Hartman: Shaping and Experiencing Sacred Spaces

Hybrid Program

What confers sacredness onto space? Distinguished sanctuary designers will discuss how they approach the shaping of spaces meant to focus the mind and transport the soul. Stanley Saitowitz, Susie Coliver and Steve Rajninger, and Craig Hartman will describe the thinking behind sacred spaces they have designed, via introductory Zoom sessions and site visits, where you will experience their ideas in vivo at two contemporary synagogues and a Catholic church.

Stanley Saitowitz—Hebra... Read more


Congregation Kol Shofar

215 Blackfield Drive
Tiburon, CA 94920 + Google Map

The Cathedral of Christ the Light

2121 Harrison Street
Oakland, CA 94612-3788 + Google Map

Congregation Beth Sholom

301 14th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118 + Google Map
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