History & Thought
Tue 15

- Pacific Time

Jehon Grist: The Middle East Crisis… 1180 BCE (Virtual on Zoom)

Virtual Program

Drought, famine, established powers on the edge of collapse, mass migrations from failed states to other countries: you may be thinking of the Middle East in 2022. Try 1180 BCE! 

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Sun 10

- Pacific Time

Dan Alter: Diaspora and Homecoming in Jewish Poetry: A Reading and Writing Class

Since our beginnings, the ache of exile and longing to come home have run through Jewish life and writings: our poetry is rich with them. We will read Biblical, Golden Age Spain, Modernist and contemporary texts, and write our own pieces in response. For writers of any experience level—come prepared to generate some material!

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Netivot Shalom

1316 University Ave
Berkeley 94702 + Google Map


Sun 23

- Pacific Time

Steve Chester: Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? (Virtual on Zoom)

Virtual Program

The course will address the eternal question, "Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?" If God is a compassionate and loving God, why do people suffer? In an attempt to answer these questions, we will look at the Biblical books of Deuteronomy, Job, and Ecclesiastes, as well as looking at modern theologians. Bring a Bible.

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Tue 18

- Pacific Time

Janis Plotkin: Femmes Fatales, Monsters and Murderers - the Jewish Presence in Weimar Cinema (Virtual on Zoom)

Virtual Program

Many of the creators of early German cinema (1918 - 1933) were Jewish immigrants to Berlin from Eastern Europe.  German Expressionist cinema, a revolutionary innovation, found Jews both in front of or behind the camera. The class features cinematic masterpieces that foreshadow the coming political storms. Femmes fatales and monsters abound in: THE BLUE ANGEL, THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI, THE GOLEM, and M.

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Sun 10

- Pacific Time Series

Ariel Mayse: Where Heaven and Earth Kiss: Exploring New Perspectives in Jewish Environmental Ethics

In partnership with Urban Adamah

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Sun 03

- Pacific Time

Daniel Matt: Becoming Elijah: Prophet of Transformation, in conjunction with his book’s publication in the Jewish Lives Series, Yale University Press. (Virtual on Zoom)

Virtual Program

In partnership with Cong. Beth Israel

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Thu 07

- Pacific Time

Steve Rosen: Archeology BEFORE the Bible (Virtual on Zoom)

Virtual Program

In partnership with Americans for Ben-Gurion University

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Wed 13

- Pacific Time

Erich Gruen: Jews and Gentiles in Pagan Antiquity: A Love-Hate Relationship? (Virtual on Zoom)

Virtual Program
The complex relationships between Jews and their Gentile neighbors will focus on four areas: Session 1: Was Ancient Judaism a Nation, an Ethnicity, or a Religion? Session 2: Was There Antisemitism in Pagan Antiquity? Session 3: Displaced in the Diaspora? Session 4: The Jew and the 'Other' in Antiquity

4 sessions, Wednesdays, April 13, 20, May 4, 11  @ 7:00 - 8:15 pm. Virtual on Zoom.

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Thu 12

- Pacific Time

Yosef Rosen: The Tree of Life: Making Kabbalistic Diagrams (Virtual on Zoom)

Virtual Program

Learn about the aesthetic-theology of kabbalistic diagrams—full of trees, circles, spirals, lines, and letters—and use these as models to map your own relation to that which is essential but intangible (what might be called spirit, soul, or the divine). Our first two classes will focus on the history of these diagrams, and the final sessions on how to create your own kabbalistic diagram. 

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Mon 25

- Pacific Time

Jody Hirsh: Bible, Midrash, Art: The Richness of Bible Narratives

Virtual Program

Jody Hirsh: Bible, Midrash, Art: The Richness of Bible Narratives (Virtual on Zoom)

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